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Curriculum Components

Angels In Progress Academy uses the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) as a guide for teaching.  We utilize the Abeka Accredited Christian Curriculum, Bob Jones Curriculum, Scholastic Literacy Pro Guided Reading,  i-Ready Math, Spring Board ELA, Science Weekly, Social Studies Weekly, SAVVAS Science, Wordly Wise , and Generation Genius to encompass the framework of our classrooms. For our Biblical component we use the Bible, Mini Bible Lessons, and Storybook.  All of these resources, coupled with a sincere passion for teaching and creative, out of the box teaching methods makes AIP an exceptional place to learn. 

In addition to our core classes our curriculum also includes:


Bible (Daily)

STEAM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Art/Math)

On a weekly basis students engage in various lessons and activities related to these fields of study.


Each week where the students are engaged in a high power focus on Christ our positive mindset and social etiquette as His witnesses.

Recess (Daily)

Each day, weather permitting,  students go outside to play for 30 minutes.

PE (Physical Education), ART, Digital Music Production, Foreign Language.

Once a week the students engage in structured physical activities, cultural arts, and language. 


Angels in Progress Academy is fully accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC).


We are also affiliated with the following academic organizations:

  • National School Choice Participant

  • National Youth Leadership Forum: Pathways to STEM

  • Envision STEM Leadership and Mentor Program

Scholastic Achievements 

Reading 76% Above average
Math 61% Above average
Language 61% above average

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